The First Taiwan International Piano Festival: Music Fest Perugia in Taipei NTNU will take place at the Music Department of the National Taiwan Normal University from 12-19 February, 2017. There will be 180 lessons taught from world renowned artists, 4 lecturers, 6 concerts, and one star concert pianist competition during the vibrant and compact week of the festival. All the activities will not only take place at the beautiful campus of the NTNU but also at the National Recital Hall Taipei where the "all star faculty concert" will take place.
The National Taiwan Normal University is located at the City Centre of Taipei, next to the colourful Shi-Da night market, and the elegant urbane Yong-Kang district. You can also walk within 20 minutes from the NTNU to the National Performing Arts Centre: National Concert/Recital Hall. It's the best location for young artists to thrive and appreciate concerts, opera and performing arts. There will also be more then 20 grand piano practice rooms reserved for the 30 active participants during the entire festival. The festival is opened worldwide for all the musicians to apply now online, no age limit. Our preliminary judges will select 30 active participants and unlimited semi-active participants to take part in the festival. No matter if you are general publics, music lovers, or musicians, you are all more then welcome to join us as passive auditors, as volunteers, or as sponsors. Let the art and music be a part of you, enrich your life and give warmth to your soul. |
Master Classes and LecturersIn the compact 6 days of the festival, there will not only be 180 lessons with 6 world renowned artists teaching 30 active participants, we've also invited the most famous professors from Taiwan including Rolf-Peter Wille, Daming Zhu, Chia-Wei Chung and Grace Chung to give us 4 lecturers and master classes. Besides that, the most prominent taiwanese pianists, Ru-Lin Lai, Chiao-Han Liao, Yu-Mei Wei, Grace Chung and Shu-Ting Yang will also be assisting the festival participants in translation to create wonderful learning experiences for all the participants.
Star Concert Pianist Competition此藝術節設計了良好的藝術競爭平台,除了給予學員表演機會,更要鼓勵表演者盡其所能,發展個人藝術特質。在5場明日之星音樂會中30位正式學員若有意願可以自由報名參加超級新星甄選活動,其明日之星的表演將成為甄選活動的賽程,最後拔得頭籌的超級新星將與台北愛樂青年管弦樂團於國家音樂廳大廳(2064席位)於2018/2019樂季演奏一首鋼琴協奏曲,朝演奏家之路邁進!
6 concerts from all festival artists音樂會亦是此藝術節的主體,一位青年藝術家若無舞台,何以成長磨練,傳遞其理念更甚刺激社會的脈動。藝術節中共舉辦六場音樂會,包含千載難逢諸位名家齊聚一堂的大師雲集教師音樂會,及5場明日之星音樂會,由來自台灣與國際間不同年齡層之鋼琴家邀請社會大眾輕鬆走入校園聆聽眾位藝術家們用生命唱出的音樂饗宴。推動文化生活化,生活即是文化藝術。
Master Class Attendance InformationTickets will be available for purchase at the National Taiwan Normal University Music Department (Guting Campus) during the event.
On-Site Tickets for the Piano Festival: ● Single Ticket-NTD 500: only eligible for participation in a single event ● Three Events Ticket-NTD 900: eligible for participation in three events ● Full Ticket-NTD 1600: eligible for participation in all events * Tickets are sold daily at the front desk of Piano Festival and is only valid for one day. * On-Site tickets cannot be used at the Master’s Concerts or at the opening/closing ceremony. * The above sessions refer to any lecture or masterclass held by a single professor in a single session. Each super star concert is also considered an event. * Each Master class will be held by six different professors in six different classrooms. If you choose any of the two professors to attend during the Master class, you will be deemed to have participated in two events. |
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